Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Getting Rid of the Weekly Weigh In

I have been thinking about whether or not I should weigh myself now or anytime soon.  I decided that as long as I know I'm doing good with my eating and not being sedentary during my days:  I'm not.  I just don't care to deal with the emotions that stepping on the scale do to me.  I am going to keep track of  my loss by taking pictures and by the way my clothes feel on me.  Once I'm comfortable with the idea of stepping on the scale I'll step on it.  Sound good?:)

Now, I'm not sure how often I'll be posting up pictures but I will try to post one up at least monthly.  I will keep you guys updated on how my clothes "feel" a lot more often though:D  I started a size 16 (and it was a bit tight) and now I'm a size 14 and it's starting to feel comfortable. My goal right now is to get into a size 12 comfortably and my ultimate goal is a size 10:D and that's where I'll stop.

Now, that I'm thinking about what the scale does for me now: depresses me, makes me give up a lot faster, feel worse, and I could go on an on.  What does the scale do for you?

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