Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Back 2 Bloggin:)


I feel as if I've gone way too long without blogging, but in reality it's only been a few weeks...two? three? for sure no more than a month:)

So, here I am! it's been a good couple of weeks for me and I'm pretty happy right now the way things are.  My husband finally jumped on the wagon with me and has been making more of an effort to eat healthier and make healthier choices and in seeing him actually do it, it has definitely made it easier for me to start making the changes needed towards a healthier lifestyle.  I have been cooking and baking everything the "healthy" way and have been focusing on portion control a lot more.  I'm no longer counting calories as much as I just try to "listen" to what my body is telling me.  I'm eating the foods I want and I am making sure that I'm aware of what I am eating and how much of it.  I do feel like it's making a difference but I won't know for sure until I step on the scale and that's one thing I have been avoiding...but when I do decide to step on it, I hope I can see a change for the better in the numbers that pop-up.  I really do:)

'til next time,

1 comment:

  1. Hiya Alhely, I've had a bit of a break to because my son was really sick. Not getting sleep is not a good way to lose weight, but back on the wagon :-) I definitely find it much easier not to count calories and just eat foods. I'm also trying to introduce myself to new vegetables and am finding some stuff I really like. Kat :-)
